Back pain is one of the most irritating things to deal with. It can derail your entire day and keep you from getting things done. Surgery, medications, and other treatments have shown to help, but they are hit or miss, and many patients would like to avoid them if possible.
The first step to help avoid surgeries or heavy prescription drugs is to start with simple stretches every day. These stretches are easy to do and will help you to feel better and possibly alleviate back and neck pain.
The cat-cow stretch is one of the most popular stretches for alleviating back pain naturally. The best way to begin is to get on all fours and place each wrist underneath your shoulders. Once you’ve done this, you can then move your stomach down as you look up and inhale. Then, exhale and move your head down, tucking your chin into your chest and pushing your stomach up. Keep doing this for about one minute, making sure the balance your weight.
Downward-Facing Dog
Another great stretch is the downward-facing dog, one of the more popular options because it works so many muscle groups. You begin by again getting on all fours and placing your hands and feet so that they create a perfect rectangle holding your body up. Next, arch your hips towards the ceiling and rotate your weight evenly between your hands and legs.
Extended Triangle
The extended triangle is great because it helps with so many types of back pains. While standing, place your feet about four feet apart from each other. Then, have your right toes face forward and your left toes opposite. Your arms should then be parallel to the floor with your palms down so that you can tilt at your right hip and bring your right arm down to the floor while extending your left arm to the ceiling.
Sphinx Pose
The sphinx pose offers a different option for those who are not able to move as much. This pose requires you to lay stomach and chest down on the floor, completely flat. Next, place your hands palms down so that they are next to your shoulders and then begin doing a pushup, only do not lift anything except your upper body. Keep this pose for about five minutes, and you will feel your muscles stretch.
Cobra Pose
The cobra pose is very similar to the sphinx pose for treating back pain with a few exceptions. You get on the ground the same way; the only difference is that you are pushing half of your upper body up from the floor rather than the majority of it, while also making sure that you are shifting your hips from side to side. This will help lower tension in your lower back.
As you try to find natural ways to heal your pain, these five poses and stretches can become a big help. For more tips and information on the services we provide, contact our office today.