Physical Therapy
How does physical therapy help chronic pain? Physical therapy and rehab focus on assessing, diagnosing, restoring, and maintaining physical function. It is a form of health care that prevents, identifies, corrects, and alleviates acute or prolonged movement dysfunction.
Physical therapy uses non-invasive, drug-free methods such as stretching, exercises, massage, and other physiotherapy techniques designed to relax, retrain, and recondition injured muscles. In Sapulpa, Oklahoma, we use physical therapy to treat the causes of your pain and injury.
Physical Therapy Treatment
Physical therapy is useful for recovery from chronic conditions that affect the movement and function of your muscles, including:
- Car accident injuries
- Sports injuries
- Personal injuries
- Repetitive stress injuries
- Back pain
- Neck pain
- Shoulder pain
- Hip pain
- Joint pain
- Sprains
- Tears
- Tendonitis
- Stroke
- And more
We approach pain relief with a holistic multi-faceted philosophy. We understand that your chronic pain and injury is unique, and pain relief is not a one-size-fits-all plan. We tailor treatments to address your specific needs.
Our chiropractor combines chiropractic adjustments, massage, physiotherapy, corrective exercises, and movement retraining with an emphasis on ergonomics at work and home. We also utilize hot packs, cold packs, myofascial release, and soft tissue work.
Physical Rehabilitation Center
Our physical rehabilitation center in Sapulpa, Oklahoma utilizes drug-free, non-invasive physical therapy and chiropractic care to manage your pain. Chiropractic adjustments can correct spinal misalignment so that pinched nerves are released and pressure is taken off injured discs for pain management. Spinal adjustments remove nervous system interference to enables the brain to send signals through the nerves to the rest of your body. Physical therapy also helps with poorly conditioned muscles. We address the total health of your spine and body.
Benefits of physical therapy include:
- Strengthening weak muscles
- Soothing stiff joints so that they can move again
- Teaching you to use your muscles correctly so that you can move with less pain and avoid injury
- Assistance with moving after an injury or surgery
- Preventing and treating sports injuries
- Restoring and increasing your range of motion in joints
- Increasing coordination
- Returning successfully to work after an injury
- Becoming stronger and more flexible
We also work with you to design rehabilitation programs that address your individual needs. We teach you the correct form for your individual exercises and stretches so that you can
do them regularly at home. Our chiropractor assesses your progress and adjusts the exercises and stretches as necessary to keep you on target for a full recovery.
We aim to help you reduce pain, regain strength, and accelerate healing to get you moving again. We combine cutting-edge technology to diagnose and treat a wide range of musculoskeletal challenges effectively.
Our team of highly trained and experienced medical professionals will help you recover from your injuries and improve your quality of life. If you have questions about how to manage your pain through physical therapy in Tulsa, Sapulpa, or any nearby city in Oklahoma, we are always ready to help. To schedule a complimentary consultation, contact us right away (918) 224-0546.